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A step-by-step guide to your banking transition

The spirit lives on, Simmons Bank, Spirit of Texas Bank

As you might have heard, Spirit of Texas Bank is now Simmons Bank. We are thrilled about the opportunity to serve you and to have you as a part of our banking family.

Simmons Bank has two customer segments for Treasury Management Services: Business Banking and Commercial Banking. This page is for Business Banking customers. If you are unsure of which segment you belong to please e-mail or contact our Customer Service Team at 1-281-516-4945 with any questions.


Account number changes

If your account number has changed you will be notified. You will also receive information via mail from Deluxe, our preferred check supplier.


Prior to conversion, we recommend downloading and saving eStatements from your Spirit of Texas Bank online banking system, as eStatements will not immediately transition to Simmons Bank. You will receive two statements for April: one ending Apr. 8 from Spirit of Texas Bank and one ending Apr. 29 from Simmons Bank.

Incoming Wires

Incoming wires using Spirit of Texas Bank's routing number will continue to route to Simmons for 30 days. However, we strongly encourage you to update all wires to Simmons’ routing number (082900432) beginning Apr. 11. This will prevent any issues with entities not recognizing Spirit of Texas Bank's routing number and therefore declining those wires. If you receive international wires, we also encourage you to begin using the Simmons Bank SWIFT code (SMNOUS44) beginning Apr. 11.

Business Bill Pay

Spirit of Texas Bank Bill Pay will be unavailable beginning on Friday, April 8 at 6 p.m. CT. Your payees, scheduled payments and bill pay history will be transferred at conversion. The first time you access Bill Pay after April 11 you will need to set up your Bill Pay entitlements. Spirit of Texas Bank will process any scheduled payments through April 8. Payments scheduled after April 8 will process at Simmons Bank beginning April 11.

ACH Origination

The last day to originate ACH transactions will be Friday, April 8th by 4 p.m. CT. It is not necessary to update the routing number associated with ACH originations at this time. ACH transactions originated with the Spirit of Texas Bank routing number (113106985) will continue to settle correctly. Prior to updating routing numbers to Simmons, please verify with the receiver that their account number was not changed. All ACH batches originated in the last year will be available in Simmons Bank Online Banking.

FedReporter Emails

For customers originating ACH transactions, Simmons Bank uses the Federal Reserve's FedPayments Reporter system to provide ACH return and NOC notices. If you were an Administrator in the Spirit of Texas Bank system, you will receive emails from the Payments Report site - The first time you visit the site you will need to complete a registration process to establish a password and confirm control of the email address. You can do this by clicking on "Register" and following the prompts.

Online Banking

You will be unable to access online banking over conversion weekend beginning on Friday, April 8 at 6 p.m. CT. Access will be restored at 8 a.m. CT on Monday, April 11.  

Remote Deposit

You will remain on the Remote Deposit Complete platform. You must access Remote Deposit via Simmons Bank Online Banking.

Security Tokens

The security token you currently use with the Spirit of Texas Bank system is compatible with the Simmons Bank system, so you may continue to use it.  You will need to re-register your token the first time you log in to Simmons Bank Online Banking. As an alternative to a physical token, you may download a smartphone app or computer token to use. If you choose to use the smartphone or computer token, please have it installed prior to your initial Treasury Connect login so you will be prepared to register it.

Smart phone token – click the applicable link below to download and install the token:

Desktop token – Visit Symantec VIP, click on DOWNLOAD, and select your operating system (Mac or Windows) under VIP Access for Computer.  Follow the prompts to download and install the token.

User Entitlements

Due to differences in systems, it may not be possible for you to have the exact same rights as you did in the Spirt of Texas system. We have mapped your entitlements as closely as possible, but please confirm your user entitlements are correct after you log in for the first time. If you are an Administrator, it is important that you also review the entitlements of all your company’s users to ensure that are correct and adjust if necessary.

User Administration

Simmons Bank requires self-administration for Treasury Management Services. For online banking, any users with administrative permissions in the Spirit of Texas Bank online banking system will be given administrative permissions in the Simmons online banking system. All administrators will need to check their users' permissions post conversion and contact our Business Banking Customer Service team at or call 281.516.4945 with any changes or questions.

Business Banking Login Information

Between Saturday, April 9, and Monday, April 11, you will receive an email containing your login ID. Most login IDs will stay the same, unless it was necessary to change to meet Simmons Bank requirements. Your password will stay the same. If you initiate wires online, your wire PIN will also stay the same.

Recurring Transactions

Your recurring transaction information will be converted. Please review any recurring transactions and confirm or initiate any recurrence.

Electronic Delivery of Statements and Notices (eStatements)

If you were enrolled in eStatements for account statements at Spirt of Texas, all account statements, account analysis statements, and ACH Notice of Change (NOC) notices will be available to you to view and download in Online Banking at Simmons. Paper statements are $5 per statement cycle beginning August 1, 2022.

Check Positive Pay

We will map your current check issue file formats. You will not need to re-upload any issued items. Any exceptions will be presented in Online Banking for you to decision, cut off time is noon CT. If exceptions are not decisioned by the cut-off time, the default decision will be the decision applied. To help with the transition, if you have not decisioned your exceptions by 11 am CT we will reach out to you to remind you to decision your items. We will continue this courtesy through the end of April.

Intuit Connections

If you currently use QuickBooks or Quicken and are connected to Spirit of Texas Bank to receive account data, you will need to update your connection. You will need to disconnect from Spirit of Texas Bank and connect to Simmons Bank to continue connecting your bank accounts to your Intuit software.

There are instructions available to your on how to switch your financial institution information here.

The conversion instructions reference two Action Dates. Please use the dates provided below:

  • 1st Action Date: Friday, April 8, 2022: A data file backup and a final transaction download should be completed by this date. Please make sure to complete the final download before this date because transaction history might not be available after the upgrade.
  • 2nd Action Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022: This is the action date for the remaining steps on the conversion instructions. You will complete the deactivation/reactivation of your online banking connection to ensure that you get your current QuickBooks accounts set up with the new connection.
  • You will want to choose Simmons Bank when searching for the new bank.

Treasury Management Service Fees

Pricing for Treasury Management service fees will be updated to Simmons Bank’s pricing on April 11. We will waive your Treasury Management Services fees for three months. Your first service fees will be charged through analysis on August 5 for July activity. Your Account Analysis statements will be available in Online Banking under Documents for you to review. Please contact your account officer with any questions.

Security notice

Please be aware that Simmons Bank will never contact you to verify private information such as account numbers or login credentials. If you receive a suspicious call, text or email, contact Simmons Bank at 1-866-246-2400 or email to report the incident.

  • {97} Benefits and features are subject to customer qualification and approval by Simmons Bank.
  • {165} All accounts subject to approval. Restrictions apply.